Friday, May 29, 2009

Makenzie's ears (and shirts)

Just in case I've forgotten to mention it before, I have a BEAUTIFUL, SWEET, SMART, HELPFUL, CHARMING, POLITE, AMAZING daughter! In this house full of males, I'm SO VERY thankful for my little girl!!!!!!!! And she most definitely is a GIRL! She likes pretty clothes (as long as they're comfy), pretty jewelry, nail polish, pink, princess movies, dolls, all things "girly." Here's my favorite find from Monday's Value Village trip (the shirt, not the child):

Today, Makenzie and I went to lunch and Walmart for some girl time. We just went through the McDonald's drive-through because we couldn't think of anything better since we only had a total of about two hours (Jason took a long lunch to watch the boys). We took our lunch to Cheney Lake to look out over the lake while we ate in the van with the heat on (it was cold and raining this morning and afternoon -- cleared up later, though, by the way). We ended up stopping back by home to give the boys our drinks since I ordered giant drinks accidentally and we had brought our own drinks. We also wanted to use our own nice clean restrooms to make sure we wouldn't have to use the nasty public restrooms. Finally, we were on our way to Walmart (which, by the way, I am very disgusted with because they just can't seem to get my photo cd orders correct!). One of the main events of going to Walmart today was to -- hopefully -- get Makenzie's ears pierced. She has wanted them pierced for years, but hasn't had the courage to endure the pain of getting it done. Today, though, she found the courage!!!!!

She was so very brave and only let out a few tears through the whole process -- even when the lady got the earring stuck and had to hold it still and wait for another lady to come help finish it and then do the other ear. I think she was pretty dizzy and a little nauseated, but she went through with it with courage and good manners :-)

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I got my ears pierced... I was 5 and it was in the Northway Mall! My dad and Tia took me :)


The Hofacker Family 2008