Thursday, July 2, 2009

update on Makenzie

I'm REALLY pleasantly surprised by Makenzie's fast recovery. She only asked for pain medicine three times all day, and was perfectly content with one teaspoon or less each time. She's been noticing that she's a little dizzy, so she'll be taking plain children's Tylenol next time she needs anything for pain. The prescription pain killer has codeine in it, so that's making her feel strange. She's been eating pudding, jello, chicken noodle soup (mostly the broth), yogurt, and ice cream all day.

We got to do a FUN thing today, too (well, she got to watch movies all day, which was fun for her -- but I mean fun for both of us). We played Monopoly! I haven't played that game since I was a little kid, and I'm not sure that I ever played it all the way till someone went bankrupt. I didn't realize it, but we didn't even have that game. We have Star Wars Monopoly, but I DETEST Star Wars. So I asked Jason to add "Monopoly" to the Walmart list today. I'm sorry to say that I kicked the poor little princess's tail, but we're hoping that she wins next time we play. I just can't LET someone win at anything, but I always HOPE that my opponent wins -- not by a landslide or anything. It's no fun to not even have a chance, but it's also not too fun to see someone get upset about losing.

And what did all the boys do all day? Here's the list: Walmart, Carrs, McDonald's, grandmother's house to play on the slip-n-slide, home for dinner, and finally a track meet. After the track meet, it'll be time for bed. Jason did a pretty great job of keeping the boys occupied, entertained, and away from Makenzie all day. And that's why I asked the periodontist to move up the surgery date. This experience could've been a nightmare with three boys in the house the whole time!

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