Sunday, January 22, 2012

silly kids & athletes

Joel and Seth don't spend a whole lot of time together, but sometimes they really have fun:

Luke started playing basketball last week (which also means that Jason started coaching basketball last week) :-) Their first game was last Saturday (I'm a week behind!). I was laughing pretty much the entire hour that they played because little kids who don't know how to play a game but try really hard to do a good job are FUNNY!!! Luke made a couple baskets, which was really exciting! Here's a shot of him right in the middle of shooting:
And maybe he's playing defense here, or maybe he's trying to block the other team so that his teammate could try to shoot:
This referee is our little kids' church/Sunday School pastor and was my student when I was a teacher :-) Luke seems to be listening to whatever Pastor/Referee Chris is saying:
Luke and Jason's team didn't get many points this game, but they learned a lot about playing a game of basketball.
I didn't get pictures from yesterday's game, but it was a little less funny and a lot more exciting. Our team improved 100% and ended the game with a tied score of 26 points. When the game only had a few seconds left on the clock, we were down by two points. One of our players threw the ball to Luke, and he made the basket that tied the score. So exciting!!

A little less exciting is the temperature up here for the last I-don't-even-know-how-long-but-seems-like-forever:
I've lived here for fifteen years, but still can't get used to temperatures below ten degrees!!

Seth also started playing a sport yesterday: soccer :-) The last time we put Seth in soccer, he didn't play at all. Well, he played, but he didn't play soccer. He played with the net that divided the two soccer fields. He played with the net of the goal posts. He played with the soccer ball very rarely. Yesterday, he actually kicked the ball around a little bit.

Here's Jason getting Seth all ready to play:
Seth refused to look at us to take a picture:
This is the best action shot we could get:
Seth decided that he wasn't going to cooperate at all unless Mom came out there with him. Even when I went out there, though, he wouldn't really cooperate. I think I did more running and kicking than he did. I'll have to dress more appropriately next time!
It was a little chilly even though we were inside. Seth did a little better after we put his sweatshirt back on.
I think he'll do a little better next week because I learned that I'm not allowed to socialize unless he is completely interested in participating (which, honestly, probably isn't going to happen). I was hoping that he'd join in this time, follow directions, have fun with the other kids and coaches, and that I would be able to sit and chat with the other moms. Oh well, running around kicking a ball with Seth is also fun :-)

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