Luke Anthony Hofacker was born seven years ago, 4-30-03. I didn't know how in the world I was going to handle three children, and I still don't. Every day is an adventure in this circus :-)
Luke was born with club feet, but that didn't affect his smiles or his hugs or his adorable cuteness!

For a couple years, Luke only smiled at people he REALLY liked. Otherwise, he could put up a stone face. It was amazing to watch. He'd be smiling at me then turn and see that someone else was looking at him, and BOOM! stone face -- no expression whatsoever! But when he smiles, he's sunshine!

Luke has always sucked his thumb. I tried putting little mittens or socks on his hands, but he just sucked his thumb through the material. This might someday cause dental issues, but he doesn't care. He HAS to suck his thumb!

Obviously, the orthopedic surgeon corrected Luke's crooked feet. He'll never be a foot model, but at least his feet work correctly :-) He could be a shoe model, though. Or a just a cute kid model :-)

Sometimes, people can just LOOK at Luke and see how mischievous he is. He's a little stinker OFTEN!

This year, Luke had to wake up at 6 a.m. on his birthday -- ready or not!

not at ALL ready for lights to be turned on!!!

Early birthday morning presents: legos and a Scooby Doo movie :-)

Luke wrestled in the state tournament on his birthday. He lost two matches in a row and was out of the tournament, but he sure looks cute in his red singlet :-)

Today, we had Luke's family birthday party with a Scooby Doo theme.

His favorite gift was a DS! He's been asking for this thing ever since Joel and Makenzie got theirs for their birthdays. He was pretty sure he'd be getting one for his birthday, too, but he did have some doubts now and then.

Gavin helped hand Luke gifts to open -- DS games and covers.

Luke gave me very specific instructions about what he wanted for a birthday cake. I'm afraid I pretty much messed it up, but it did taste good!

I love this little guy SO much and can't even begin to imagine life without him!!!