Thursday, April 1, 2010

lots of cards

My mom has received LOTS of cards and notes from friends and family. We have both appreciated these very much! One of the cards really touched me:
God Understands the Pain as Your Shepherd

The Lord is
always watching . . .
always keeping . . .
always providing . . .
always defending . . .
never forsaking.
You are never forgotten . . .
always loved!

When there are no easy answers . . .
When you are facing something
you thought you would never have to face . . .
When you wonder how you will ever
pick up all the broken pieces . . .
God is there for you!
He will bring you through --
not somehow, but triumphantly!

"Casting all your care upon Him for he cares for you." (I Peter 5:7)

And then my calendar page yesterday had this verse on it: ". . . the Lord has comforted His people and will have mercy upon His afflicted." (Isaiah 49:13)

Everyday life can be stressful and even difficult sometimes. We all make mistakes and have problems. Nothing I've been through so far, though, has been as difficult as this situation. I'm still going back and forth between acceptance, sadness, and "no way! this did NOT happen, it just couldn't have happened!" I pray for comfort and peace for all of us. God is good and I know He'll answer!


  1. Michelle and Ruth,
    I was on the Internet trying to find your addresses to send cards and came across your blog, Michelle. I still haven't come up with the addresses but wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you and praying for you.
    Take care!
    Terri Taylor


The Hofacker Family 2008