Friday, April 2, 2010

my 6yo thinks i'm brilliant

My kids seem to think that a person's intelligence is based solely on their math skills. I talked to my kids this morning on the phone (I'm still at my mom's house). Before Luke decided to say good-bye, he asked me, "Mom, what's 10 + 15?"
"And what's 25 + ummmmmmm 3000?"
"Wow! You're GOOD! Bye, Mom! Love you!"


  1. Intelligence is based solely on math skills, isn't it????

  2. One time I asked my nephew (he was about 7) if he wanted any pancakes, but I used a Spanish accent. He looked at me all big eyed and said in a whisper, "Aunt Cheri, I didn't know you could speak Spanish!"

    God bless you, sweetie!


The Hofacker Family 2008