Monday, June 15, 2009

smart mouth

Today at McDonald's, Luke was mimicking me when I was telling him to stop whatever it was he was doing wrong. We're on a "nickel system" for allowance and discipline: each child starts out with twenty nickels and loses one nickel every time I have to correct them. When we're away from home, I keep a running total of how many nickels to remove from the bags when we get back home.

Mom: "Luke, that's seven."
Luke (with mimic voice): "That's seven."
Mom: "And that's eight."
Luke (with mimic voice): "That's eight."
Mom: "LUKE! Do you want a spanking?"
Luke: "No, do you?"


1 comment:

  1. *GASP* wow!! Bold, bold child!!
    Hopefully the day turned out better...


The Hofacker Family 2008