Luke has had a problem with sitting still, being quiet, and obeying in general for several years now. But sometimes he amazes me with his true character. Last night I had a KILLER headache! After he finished his leg stretches, he was going to get in his bed but couldn't because I was lying there reading to all the kids. Usually I sit on the end of his bed to read, but I couldn't handle sitting up at that moment. He ran off, but I was in no condition to call him back to our mandatory family fun reading time. When he came back, he had a cold wet wash cloth for my head! He had remembered that I had done this for him when he had a headache a couple weeks ago. He can be SO VERY SWEET!!!!
Today, as soon as I get this posted, Seth and I are going to TRY to go to two libraries to see which pre-school fun time works best for him -- or if he enjoys either. We have REALLY missed his therapy play group now for over a year, so I'm hoping one or both of these activities will at least a little bit make up for losing that. (It was part of the early-intervention services that ended when he turned three.) Thursdays are usually free days except for an occasional doctor appointment, so maybe this will be a fun weekly activity to look forward to :-)