Sunday, October 11, 2009

finished another one

Last night, I should've gone to sleep MUCH earlier than I did, but I HAD to finish the book ALASKA SNOWTRAPPED by Bailey E. Bell. It was the kind of story that I just had to get to the last page and and know all the information!


The main idea of the book was survival. A widower and his daughter decided to go to the Alaskan wilderness to try to get over their wife/mother's death and get themselves "pulled together." Native Americans took them to a remote location and helped them build a cabin. Before they left, one of the men asked if he could stay and marry the daughter. She refused him, but he came back, killed her father, and tried to force her to marry him. She escaped, but he kept following her. She "held her own" pretty well, but was helped to civilization and safety by a white traveler, another Native American, and eventually her fiance. There was a little side story of the daughter's love life. She fell in love with the man who first helped rescue her and decided that she loved her fiance like a brother. Then she wasn't sure she could trust her new love and almost married her ex-fiance anyway. In the end, she did marry the rescuer and go back to the lower 48, and her ex-fiance stayed in a small Alaskan village because he was a doctor and the village had no doctor. The whole "chase scene" was quite thrilling, and the "love stuff" was very interesting, especially to a reader who usually feels like part of the book. I couldn't completely make myself part of this book since there's NO WAY I could survive on my own through an Alaskan winter out in the wilderness, but I found myself trying to be the daughter's adviser :-)

Next on the reading list are some books about the Deaf culture for my sign language class (which, by the way, I am LOVING!!!!). I did keep a list of all the books that people have suggested that I read, and I'm really looking forward to reading all of them. I'll get to them, I really will -- I'm hardly ever without a book and I don't think I ever let a whole day go by without reading at LEAST one chapter of whatever book I'm reading :-)

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