We have our family gift exchange on Christmas Eve. I'm a MEAN mom and make everyone stay in bed until 8 a.m., eat breakfast, clean up the dishes, and then FINALLY open gifts. With my ocd tendencies, though, everyone should be glad I don't make everyone shower and change first, too (like I did before 8 a.m.). Anyway, everyone was very pleased with all the gifts we gave each other :-) One of the gifts was guitars and "learn to play the guitar" material for all five of us (Jason's not really interested, so he received other types of gifts). Joel has had a guitar since Darryl and Amanda's wedding years ago, and I've had one that Andrea (my nephew's mom) gave me years ago. But we've never taken the time to figure out how to really play them. I'm determined now to learn and for the kids to learn, too :-) We'll see how that goes, huh?

Seth got two pairs of new pajamas. This is the pair he's wearing today: John Deere :-) He's watching Joel's new airplane fly all over the living room. I was surprised how much attention Seth gave to each gift, his own and everyone else's, too.

Now we're all enjoying our gifts until it's time to go to the Christmas Eve service at church. The boys are all wearing their suits again, so surely there will be more pictures :-)
Lesson #2 of 9 lessons I learned in 2009: God shows His amazing grace in many ways. One of those ways, as the
song by Chris Tomlin so perfectly expresses, is to free people from the chains of darkness. That song has been a beautiful reminder to me this year of this truth!
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