Sunday, March 7, 2010


This is one of the things I did today -- sticker-ized Joel's and Makenzie's picture frames. I didn't like the plain white thingy that I can't remember the name of because my head hurts. So I bought stickers to jazz them up. We had fun deciding which stickers to put where and whether to put them straight or at an angle :-)

ahhh -- it's called a matte, isn't it? yeah, I'm REALLY sick of these headaches!!!! I know that God controls the weather, so complaining about the weather is griping right at God. So I'm not going to complain about how the weather has been so up and down this winter, causing some MAJOR headaches for me. I'll just keep hoping that He decides to level out the temperatures so that I can be more comfortable (because it IS all about me, right? -- jk of course, just in case anyone thought I was serious).


today's song: "A Little More" by Shawn McDonald

It's time to confess that I need a little more
Jesus inside of me, Jesus inside of me


  1. I'm with you on the weather thing--- I want it to be at the perfect temperature just for ME. About 84 degrees and sunny all year round would be great. I'll put my order in with God and see what He does with that...

  2. Oh, and your mattes with the stickers are so pretty!


The Hofacker Family 2008