The hearing aids are also a failure. He loved them for almost four whole hours -- until I had to change his shirt, knocked one of the hearing aids loose causing it to screech in his poor little ear. Now every time I try to put them in his ears, he covers his ears tightly and says, "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" When I finally get them in his ears and point out to him that they are NOT screeching, he leaves them in until I turn around for second and then takes them out. He has thrown them behind the couch, behind the video cabinet, under the table, across the table, and down the stairs. We're taking a break from the hearing aids until we hear back from the audiologist. I called yesterday and left her a message about the situation. She doesn't like the way the ear molds on this set were made, so she ordered a different set. It won't be here, though, for three weeks.
On top of these two issues, Seth now has a cold :-( I'm watching him VERY closely this time!! Any sign of wheezing, and we're going to the doctor immediately. He grabbed his ear this morning and said, "ow," so I think we'll be seeing the doctor soon.
After three negative notes, I have a picture that shows the reality of being Seth's mom:

Seth is a person who OFTEN throws his head back and laughs with his whole self. Generally, that's my life with Seth :-) The little pieces of negative situations are just that -- little pieces soon forgotten when Seth throws his sweet little arms around my neck and plants nice, juicy kisses on my cheeks!
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