I'm working from about 6 a.m. to noon most days and then going home to work some more. Both my paying job and my house "chores" are easy, but time consuming.
We are doing some fun things sometimes -- park days with other families from church, track meets, boating on the lake, going for walks, playing in the little backyard pools, reading, watching "The Partridge Family" :-) Tomorrow is the annual summer picnic for the Down syndrome group. Joel begged me to make deviled eggs. I'm REALLY wishing my mom lived up here!!!!! She's the deviled egg queen -- she actually thinks they're EASY to make! It'll take me the whole morning tomorrow to make those things :-( But the reward will be eating them (I'm making extras for us to eat at home) and having Joel happy with me (he's in the "teenage attitude" stage, I'm afraid -- not as bad as he could be, though).
Here are a couple cute Seth pictures:
Notice the little Seth finger on my chin pulling me closer to him :-)
Luke taught Seth to say "na-na-na-na-boo-boo!" HILARIOUS!!!!!!!
Time is flying. I can't believe you have to get up that early! I'm not even going to tell you what time I get up most days. Kaylee is the early riser at 7:30 or 8:00. LOL We enjoy Seth in Little Kids Church. What a sweetheart. PS, my family likes deviled eggs too. We make them for holidays.