I used to think my mom was a little bit nuts because of her intense fear of mice. I don't think that anymore because I seem to have inherited the same fear. Except not just of mice -- I'm afraid of all rodent-type creatures. I completely realize that this is an irrational fear. I'm so big and they're so small. They really can't hurt me, or at least not much. They're more afraid of me than I am of them (or at least that's the normal theory). I'm still afraid of them. And not just a little afraid -- petrified, unable to move, possibly even hysterically crying if any kind of rodent shows itself to me. I'm pretty sure it's based on two factors -- the creatures' disgustingness (i don't care if that's not a word, it's the truth about them) and their sneaky speediness. So I had to suppress my fear and disgust when I saw a squirrel sitting on this tree stump in my back yard:

and then here on this post:

My camera didn't work properly to catch the squirrel in either of those two spots, but I finally got a picture of it up in my kids' tree house:

And then I went into my house, closed the door, and did my little "eeeewwwwww!!!!!!! disgusting!!!!!!!!!! keep it away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shiver.
"sneaky speediness" you crack me up. Did Joel try to catch it.