Friday, September 2, 2011
beautiful children
Jason reminded me that I forgot to put the kids' 2011 birthday pictures on here. oops! How could I forget that?! We went to the library this year to take the annual pictures. Taking pictures of Joel and Makenzie has always been super easy. They follow directions and smile nicely, although they do sometimes give a fake smile. Luke and Seth, though, are a little more difficult to get a good shot. I'm so blessed to have these four BEAUTIFUL children!!
My big 12-year-old junior higher:
My ten-year-old princess:
My eight-year-old cuddle bug:
And my six-year-old sweetheart:
Tonight Seth was talking to me and I noticed that HE HAD LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH!!! I called his special ed. teacher to find out if she had put it somewhere, but she didn't know that he had lost it. So I think it fell out while he was eating his snack at home after school and he swallowed it. That means it'll be coming out sometime in the next few days, right? GROSS!! I'm not going to search too much, but if it's right there in plain sight, I'll probably get it and wash it REALLY well because I keep the kids' teeth (I think that might be a little weird, but I don't care).

Yesterday, I weighed and measured Seth (like I do for all my children sometime near their birthdays). He is SIX inches shorter than Joel and Luke were when they were six, TWO inches shorter than Makenzie, six to nine pounds lighter than the older boys were, and two pounds heavier than Makenzie was. Crazy how one extra chromosome can make such a physical difference. Seth's speech therapist did a standardized language test over the past two weeks' sessions and found that Seth is speaking and showing the understanding of language like a 2 1/2-year-old. She said that Joel, Makenzie, and Luke would score somewhere around the 115th percentile, meaning that their language skills are more advanced than 115% of the rest of the children their ages. Seth scored in the first percentile. That seems like a bad thing, but it really isn't because Seth is doing VERY well for Seth. Comparing him to other people is interesting as far as "getting some facts" kind of information, but the truth is that he's doing GREAT! He's adorable, sweet, gorgeous, AND he can say a lot of things, follow many directions (if he feels like it), show an independent will (including likes, dislikes, wants, needs, pain, happiness, sadness), count to 10 usually, identify colors, write and color (scribbles, but he knows how to hold a writing utensil), feed himself several kinds of foods, and probably so many other things that I can't think of because I've been awake since about 3:30 this morning. I never expected to be the parent of a child with special needs -- I'm sure no one does. But I really am glad that God gave me Seth!!
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