Wednesday night, I was shaving Seth's unibrow. He pretty much always yells at me the whole time I do that; but this time, he said, "OW!" The next morning, his eye was red, swollen, and warm. He told me that I had cut him with the shaver. I didn't see how that was possible because the shaver is very small, and I was shaving up above his nose, between his eyebrows. Since it kept getting worse throughout the morning, I took Seth to the doctor after work. The doctor took one look and told me that I didn't cut Seth's eye. It was a sty. He gave us a prescription and told me to put warm compresses on Seth's eye. It's very sad to see my sweetheart feeling uncomfortable, but I'm so glad that it wasn't my fault!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Father/Daughter Princess Ball
Our church held a Father/Daughter Ball in December, 2008 and then again last night.
I'm so glad that these girls aren't "too mature" to enjoy a Princess Ball!
Friday, January 25, 2019
Joel’s an adult!
My baby turned 20 today! I clearly remember the day he was born. These twenty years have both flown by and dragged. It seems like 1999 was forever ago, but yet it seems like just yesterday that Baby Joel was using a pacifier and giving me the cracks (the term he used for laughing out loud). I firmly believe that a person whose age ends with the word “teen” is not yet an adult, so I officially have to consider Joel an adult. Joel has always been a funny, cute, creative, intelligent person. Being his mom is a privilege!
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Angela Hunt Books
I just finished reading these three books, and they were SO good! Angela Hunt took three well-known stories from the Bible and filled in the details that Scripture left out. Her writing makes history seem more like a good story than boring history. Her view on what might have happened is completely different from what people in general have always seemed to believe. WHAT IF Esther didn't want to be queen and the king was a pretty weak man trying to measure up to his father's legacy? WHAT IF Bathsheba loved Uriah and hated King David? WHAT IF Delilah wasn't evil and only betrayed Samson in order to save her and her son's lives? VERY well-written, interesting books!
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Cousin Company
Seth got to be helpful today. Kannika had surgery on Tuesday, so she's stuck on the couch recovering. Seth's favorite place is the couch, so he went to Kannika's house to keep her company. The Nelsons have two labs who normally jump on visitors. They didn't jump on Seth, though. They sat nicely and let him pet them. They must know how sweet Seth can be when anyone is sweet and quiet with him :-)
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Science and a haircut
Seth did a science experiment today to learn that soap and water make bubbles.
Last night, my friend Sarah cut my hair to fix the mess I'd made of it 😍
Sunday, January 13, 2019
New Truck
Jason sold his truck because it needed more repairs than we could keep affording. As spoiled as this sounds, three cars for four people with completely different schedules was getting a little frustrating. We pooled all our Christmas money and some of Luke's summer earnings to buy a 2000 Ford F-150 from a guy on Craigslist. It's 4-wheel drive, has good tires, and has an excellent heater. Jason and Luke will share the truck after Luke gets his license in May. We're all VERY thankful for our "new" truck!
Sunday, January 6, 2019
They're Seniors!
A total of nine of the seniors who will graduate from ACS in May have gone to school together since kindergarten. These three cuties are extra special to me.
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Our Friend's Wedding
Our sweet friend Megan got married today. She has had a heart for people with disabilities (especially Seth) for a long time. Her younger sister has been Makenzie's friend and classmate since kindergarten.
Both Seth and Kannika came into the reception a little grumpy. But hugs and pictures make these two sweethearts smile.
Thursday, January 3, 2019
Christmas Break
Makenzie got over 12 inches of her hair cut off so that she can donate it to Wigs for Kids. Now her hair is just above her shoulders instead of down to her waist.
The end of Christmas break always means the ACS basketball tournament. My kids don't play basketball (I'm so thankful for that!!!). Luke works before, during, and after the tournament; and Joel, Makenzie, and Luke are in the pep band. Joel is the director, Makenzie plays the flute, and Luke plays the trombone.
Seth and I slept in, watched tv, stayed in pajamas, and took a nap. Seth and I LOVE Christmas break!!!
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Happy New Year
The Hofacker New Year's Eve party was fun, filled with laughing. BEFORE the party, though, we had a "little" aftershock that upset our princess. Her best boy gave her sweet hugs to make her happy again. We've decided that next year, we'll be celebrating the new year with the east coast because we can usually stay up until 8 p.m. without too much yawning. Alaskan winter midnight is just too difficult for us.
After our New Year's Family Dinner at Jason's parents' house, we lit some sparklers. Makenzie was pretty afraid of them, but they were fun to watch. Seth was too busy to join us because he got new remote-control cars for Christmas and was playing with them.
This year, one of my goals is to eliminate facebook except for telling people "happy birthday." The negativity and political drama has overwhelmed me, so I'll be heading back to my safe and happy world that does not involve social media or news media.
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The Hofacker Family 2008