Today was uneventful:
kids ready for school
Seth ready
Luke's lunch
pick kids up
Today was my second day of work. I'm running one of the computers during Joel's lunchtime. It's easy and short (only 20 minutes three days per week); plus I get to meet lots of kids for just a few seconds. If I get to do this all school year, I should be able to remember each child's name that has a meal card. Everyone likes for someone to remember his or her name :-)
Tonight will have to be an EARLY to bed night! I have to get up at 4 a.m. tomorrow so that I can get Seth up at 5:30 a.m. to head to Providence. He's having tubes put in his ears because of the fluid built up behind his ear drum. He's not hearing very well right now, so I'm excited for him to have this done. This will be the second set that he's had. Tubes stay in place for a few months, but then they are "sloughed out" like ear wax (gross, yes, but a natural process). I'm also glad that he'll have these tubes in his ears because of all the colds he gets. Without the tubes, we run the risk of ear infections and reduced hearing because Seth has a cold almost all the time (not a bad one, just a little one). With the tubes, the "gunk" drains right out -- also a pretty gross process to have to wipe snot out of his nose AND out of his ears, but it's SO much better than getting infections. Seth's colds have gotten so much better over the past year or so because we all started taking some liquid minerals. They're expensive, but worth every penny considering that Seth used to be on antibiotic and steroids every couple months before he started taking the minerals and hasn't even been to the doctor since he started taking the minerals. It was a horrible experience to see the poor little guy trying to breathe without those steroids. His airways are smaller than normal, so any little bit of congestion caused him to almost be in distress. I'm thankful that there are no problems with that anymore!
I'm SO tired of cooking!!!!!! I've never really enjoyed cooking, but someone has to do it and I'm the only one here, so I guess I have to. I don't feel like doing it, though. I wish that good meals could just magically appear on the table at 5:30 each night. I don't have the energy or the desire to make interesting meals, so we keep having the same things over and over all the time. Oh well, at least we're not starving!
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