Here are a couple pictures of our Christmas break activities: Happy Meals and Wii! Seth loves the fries, but isn't so excited about any of the meat.
Makenzie has to be starving to finish her whole meal. Joel scarfs his down before we even get home from McDonald's, and Luke does a pretty good job, too. The wii, of course, caused some arguments ("let me play -- you've been playing for a long time -- play with me"). So now we're on a schedule -- 1/2 hour per child (if I remember to call downstairs that the half-hour is over and it's time to switch). Whoever's turn it is can decide if he wants to play alone or with someone else. It's been working pretty well. We're also reading another "Little House on the Prairie" book (I think it's the second-to-the-last one). We're trying to read enough chapters every day to finish it before school starts on Monday. The third picture is just a "you're so cute with your hands in your pockets, let me take your picture." He's just ADORABLE (even when he's pouting in my room because he just made his sister scream for the millionth time).
I'm STILL sick. Sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, cough -- YUCK!!!! and OUCH!!!! We had to go to Walmart this morning even though I'm sick and it's WAY too cold to be outside! Seth refuses to keep his mittens on -- I even put on the kind that go all the way up to his shoulder. He's a little Houdini. (I had to look up that name to make sure I'd spelled it correctly -- lol -- will I always be wacko like this?)
I've always liked all different types of music. Of course a rock sound is appealing whether it's Christian or top 40 or 70's, slow or fast or in between; my parents listened to country so I did, too; classical music is beautiful; musical movie songs are fun, especially to movies that I love like "The Sound of Music," "The Music Man," and "My Fair Lady." The only kinds of music that I don't like at all are rap (I like some, though -- dc talk -- not all of theirs even) and heavy metal. I've never really been able to pin down, though, what my very favorite is. Maybe with each different stage of life, my favorite would change. For the stage that I'm in now, I have two favorites (one female and one male): Sarah Kelly and Third Day (Mac Powell). These two people have absolutely hypnotic voices. I could listen to their cd's over and over and over -- in fact I do. Sarah Kelly's newest cd is what I listen to every morning while I do my face and hair and one of Third Day's cd's is in my kitchen player on continuous repeat. Right now as I'm typing, I'm listening to Third Day on my mp3 player (which is still working -- yay!!). Their voices, their style, their bands, the words to their songs -- LOVE THEM! Third Day is going to be in concert here in Anchorage next Saturday. All at one time, I'm jealous of people who can afford tickets and glad that I can't afford tickets. I would LOVE to see them live and maybe even get close enough to shake their hands, but yet I would HATE to go to a concert with the crowd and the volume and the reminder that they're not just regular people. I know in my head that they are normal people; but when I see famous people "in person," I get a little depressed that they're doing something so "above" all of us "little people." silly, i know -- so I'm going to compromise -- as soon as I get finished typing on here, I'm going to ebay and order one of their live concert dvd's :-) Much cheaper and MUCH safer for me :-)
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