Makenzie and Jason got to go to a father-daughter gala. They got all dressed up, went on a horse-drawn carriage ride (someone told me that the carriage was like Cinderella's), had a nice dinner, listened to speeches, and danced (a waltz, I think, and the chicken dance). They enjoyed the evening!
Less exciting, but part of life: Makenzie was the third Hofacker to get the flu. She started feeling "not quite ok" before Sunday night church and started upchucking at about 9:30 p.m. She did that a couple more times (1 a.m. was the last one), then felt yucky all day Monday, and went back to school on Tuesday (although she still didn't feel like eating on Tuesday, either -- I probably should've kept her home that day, too, but she was dying to see her friends!). She's fine, now -- I'm so glad! I REALLY hope that this thing doesn't get into Seth!!!! or me or Jason, but especially not Seth!
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