WE DID IT!!!! This morning couldn't have gone any better! Makenzie woke up earlier than I had told her to because she wanted to read and get ready early. Joel and Luke got up on time and came upstairs in good moods, not even trying to irritate each other. Joel got ready so fast, he helped me get Seth ready. We got to school ON TIME (I should be hearing applause right now because "on time" is NOT something I do well!).
Here are my three matching cuties on their first day of 5th, 3rd, and 1st grades. Joel didn't want to match his brother and sister, but I made him -- time to learn some family loyalty :-) Plus I got an e-mail about everyone wearing red on Fridays to show support for all the troops overseas. Being a little touched with ocd and having a limited number of uniforms, I like the kids to change shirt colors each day. So it's red on Mon, Wed, Fri and blue on Tues, Thurs :-) (You can laugh and make fun if you want -- I probably would, too, if I weren't me.)

Seth walked around with us and waved good-bye to all three of his playmates. Now he's stuck with just Mom.

Makenzie gets to be in class with several of her favorite friends.

Luke didn't really seem to understand the concept that he was STAYING with his class. He kept trying to follow me away, but at least he wasn't crying! I break down when Luke cries his "I'm scared" cry! This is Luke's new teacher, Miss Shields. If you're a praying kind of person, pray for her!

This year, there is only one fifth grade class with 29 students. The teacher is a VERY nice lady, and I'm hoping these turkeys don't try to run all over her and make her life miserable! Her name is Mrs. McCoy, and she could use some prayers, too!

Seth and I got to speech therapy early and got to chat with my friend Monica. While you're praying for those two teachers, you could pray for Monica, too. She just found out that there's a cist on her hip and it's eating her hip bone. She's getting more information on that this afternoon.
Seth had a really good therapy session today! His therapist and I were pretty impressed with him :-) After therapy, we did some shopping (so much faster with only one child!). I was going to take Seth to H2Oasis; but by the time I got home, I realized that another outing would cause too much stress. Instead, we had a nice, quiet lunch and watched "Blue's Clues."

We ARE going to make swimming a regular activity this year, but not on therapy days!
I'm really looking forward to hearing all about the kids' first day of school, and I'm SURE all of you will be waiting anxiously to get the rest of this story, too :-)