We went to a park yesterday -- Makenzie and I walked, Seth rode in the stroller, and Joel and Luke rode their bikes. They got a little too far ahead of me and couldn't really hear me yelling to them to "get back here!" Luke, for some reason, decided to ride on the road instead of the sidewalk. He kept swerving out into the middle of the road -- not a busy street, really, so not too big a deal. UNTIL the people mover came down the street! I don't know if it was my screaming his name or if he realized a BUS WAS DRIVING RIGHT TOWARD HIM, but Luke got back up on the sidewalk before the bus driver had to slam on his brakes. If he wasn't shaken up by the idea of almost being run over by a bus, I think my spanking and yelling drove home the point that he needs to pay more attention and stay closer to me on our little excursions!
Sometimes Luke can make me angrier than anyone else in the world, but OH MY! how cute and adorable he is!! When I think of all the little things he's had to go through in his little six years of life and how bravely he's faced them, I'm really proud of him and thankful that God trusted me to love this little boy! When things like this happen, I'm reminded how life would NOT be the same without my Chunky Monkey (his nickname from when he was a baby -- a pretty chubby baby).
This picture is from last year. Both Luke and his bike are a little bit bigger this year, but not much :-)
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