Today I took all four kids out to go Seth shopping. Seth will be turning four in a couple weeks, so we went to Over the Rainbow Toys :-) There are two great toy stores in town that have some great things for Seth -- well, for everyone, but for Seth especially. A lot of their toys have some good "therapeutic value" -- they help teach Seth some kind of concept or skill that he doesn't quite have yet. I'm SO excited for his birthday to get here so that: 1. he can start playing with these new things (many of which closely resemble things that he does at therapy) and 2. we can have birthday cake!
I learned yesterday that buying the kids' shoes is a job to be undertaken withOUT any of the kids with me! Fred Meyer has a buy one get one free clearance section, so I took the kids to find some shoes. They were pretty rotten -- although not nearly as bratty as they could've been, so I'm thankful. We didn't even find what we were looking for -- school sneakers. Makenzie found a couple cute pairs of dress shoes, though, so it wasn't quite a wasted trip.
The kids were pretty well-behaved today, so they got to pick out a little something at the toy store today. Joel got "grow your own sea monkeys" -- REALLY looking forward to that (sarcasm if you couldn't tell). Luke got a sword -- just what he needs, right?! And Makenzie got a "paint a flower pot" set. We started that project as soon as we got home and got everything else put away. The set didn't come with enough paint, though, so all we got to do is paint our base color. We'll have to go to Walmart to get more paint tomorrow (and maybe some soil and flower seeds, or maybe silk flowers would be the smarter idea for this plant-killing household).
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