Time to catch up on me me ME :-) I've been swamped the past I don't know how many months now with work -- both the work that I get paid for and the work that doesn't earn a paycheck.
I was working three stores for Hallmark: Walgreens, Barnes & Noble, and a Safeway. My supervisor asked me if I would give up the Safeway so that I could take on a Walmart. Right now I'm questioning whether agreeing to the change was wise or not, but I think everything will be ok after next week. The holidays are just so stressful and busy, but they only last for four months :-) I'm enjoying doing the gift wrap and party supplies instead of cards at Walmart. It's fun to have variety.
I have also become a freelance editor. Some friends at church have an engineering firm and asked me to look over their reports before submission. I'm glad to help out, although even they admit that the information that I read is a sure cure for insomnia.
My biggest excitement of the new year is my weight loss program. By using the website "
My Fitness Pal," I count my calories and exercise time. I used to do this same thing on paper, but this website makes it easier because they have lists of foods with the calories already figured. My "program" is to lose a 1/2 pound every week by eating less than 2,000 calories a day and walking a 1/2-hour every day. Since I've been sick for several weeks, I haven't been able to walk much, but I've still been losing weight by staying around 2,000 calories. So far, I've lost 11 pounds!!! My goal for 2011 is to lose 25 pounds. Then my goal for 2012 will probably be to lose another 25 pounds. That will put me MUCH closer to my pre-children weight :-) It should also eliminate my back pain, foot pain, and embarrassment at having to keep buying bigger and bigger clothes. Fred Meyer has some DELICIOUS gluten-free frozen foods that are pretty filling and don't have too many calories. My downfall is the gluten-free treats at Terra Bella! It's so exciting to be able to go into a bakery and actually EAT! They make THE best chicken sandwich on gluten-free bread and scrumptious carrot/zucchini muffins!!!!! That pretty much blows my whole calorie count for the day, but I try to skimp on my other meals in order to enjoy those treats.
Today is a ME day :-) I get to do things today that make ME smile: shopping for some beads at a super-cool bead store, sitting in the bleachers at school to watch Joel wrestle after lunch (that doesn't sound like a "me" thing, but it is because all the other kids will still be in school, so I get to concentrate on watching Joel instead of corralling other children. and then I get to read in between his matches!!! definitely a "me" thing!!), then leaving the kids with Jason to enjoy for the evening. I also still have to do laundry, dishes, Barnes & Noble, and Walmart; but it's all good because the work is spread out in between all the "me" things :-) Tomorrow will be back to kids and work with no time for "me" things until they go to sleep, but I'm going to thoroughly enjoy my time today :-) Actually, I'm looking forward to tomorrow, too, because I don't get to see my angels much anymore because of school and work. It'll be nice to hold Seth and Luke tomorrow while we watch Joel wrestle. Makenzie likes to help with the concession stand, so I won't see much of her until tomorrow evening. I'm thinking a Barbie movie and card games will be the perfect way to spend our Saturday evening :-)