Saturday, October 8, 2011


Jason got out the leaf blower today so that he and Seth could have some "outside man time." He called to me to come take a picture of Seth jumping in the leaves so that people would know that we DO have fall. People are always complaining that we only have two seasons -- winter and non-winter. But we have four beautiful seasons. This year's autumn is exceptionally beautiful!

I guess Seth was contemplated the exact angle and trajectory necessary to make the most exciting jump:

After jumping in the leaf pile for a while, Seth decided to be more helpful and start up the leaf blower ALL BY HIMSELF:
You'd never know by Seth's energy level today that he was high on Verced yesterday morning! He was a wild child today :-) I'm smiling because praise God Seth is healthy enough to be wild!!

Today, I was much more productive than yesterday; although after I posted my blog yesterday, I did clean up the kitchen counter that is always overflowing with mail, junk, trash, and kids' school papers. Today, though, I did more than just one tiny clean-up. I got up at 4:45 a.m. (btw, SOMEDAY, I'm going to sleep till 7 a.m. every single day. that day might not come for another decade, but I'm thinking that when my kids are out of school, I'm going to refuse to get up before 7!!), worked from 7 - 8:30 a.m., did a little grocery shopping, then started in on the house and party work (tomorrow is my b-day celebration). I made two pots of chili and a pumpkin spice cake, cut up onions, did at LEAST 50 loads of laundry, put on all the clean bed sheets (Jason and the kids very nicely removed all the dirty sheets while I was at work -- they had a little list of jobs that they did perfectly), and cleaned the bathroom floor. That last one was the best part of my day. Odd, I know! I hate to clean and I hate to cook, but that bathroom floor has been bothering me for YEARS! No matter how hard or how often I scrubbed that floor, it was still sticky from hairspray. Today, though, I got it un-stickified!! I used Comet and a dish scrubber, and I don't give a rat's patooty if that's bad for the linoleum. All I care is that for one afternoon, my bathroom floor is hairspray-free!

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The Hofacker Family 2008