Friday, October 7, 2011

tubes again

I'm pretty sure today was Seth's 4th time for the "myringotomy placement" procedure (a.k.a. getting tubes in his ears). He woke up while I was in the shower at about 4:45 a.m. because his diaper had leaked. Jason changed his clothes and let him fall asleep next to the human furnace (a.k.a. Jason). When I picked him up to put him in the van at 6 a.m., Seth just smiled and hugged me, and told his dad "bye." We sang songs all the way to the hospital. Seth is a very sweet morning person, especially when it's just the two of us. He was very charming to all the nurses and doctors at the hospital! The procedure only took about ten minutes, but it took Seth another half-hour to wake up from the little bit of anesthesia they gave him (gas, no i.v.'s for this procedure, thank goodness!). He woke up when the recovery nurse started taking the "stickers" off his chest (the things that they hook up monitors during the procedure). He wasn't quite as happy this time he woke up. He wasn't grouchy at all, just groggy. He drank some juice, the nurse gave me discharge instructions, and we were out of there. I kidded him when we drove onto our street that we still had time to make it to school on time. That got quite the reaction: "NO!!!!! No school!!!!!" I told him I was just kidding and that we were going to spend the whole rest of the day together lying on the couch watching "Blue's Clues" :-) That's not exactly happening since the meds wore off and he started getting into things like the wax burner :-(

It's odd to be home all day long. I've done about five loads of laundry, put away the dishes from the dishwasher, made pumpkin bread, watched yesterday's episode of "Grey's Anatomy," read for awhile, gotten Seth numerous bowls of fish crackers and cups of juice. You'd think I'd take this opportunity to clean, but here I am on the computer. Tonight, Jason's taking Luke and Makenzie to the Veggie Tales movie at church and Joel's going to the cabin with Pop Pop and Uncle Rich. So Seth and I are having LOTS of quiet time together :-)

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