Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Makenzie!

The weekend is officially OVER :-) And I'm pretty much still alive -- very tired and uncomfortable from a chest cold, but surviving. This morning, we had chocolate chip waffles (the frozen kind, I didn't have the energy to make waffles, but the kids love store-bought food better than mine anyway).
Then Makenzie got her gifts from all of us.

After I got everything ready for the afternoon and evening, we went to McDonald's. That's Makenzie and Luke peeking through the cracks of the castle.

Then it was party time. Once again, I forgot to ask the parents if they minded their kids' pictures being on the internet, so all I have is Seth. He's the easiest to get a picture of anyway. Everyone else was running around CRAZY!

We had enchiladas for dinner while watching the movie Makenzie got for her birthday. It was a good day. I forgot to chart Makenzie's growth on her polar bear growth chart, but we'll get to that sometime this week. I doubt that I've ever done that on any of the kids' actual birthday. It's always sometime close.

I'm really looking forward to SLEEP!!!!

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