Thursday, February 12, 2009

what a movie!

Last night, I watched the movie The Memory Keeper's Daughter. Actually, Seth and I watched it together. After the first five minutes (which were almost exactly the same as the first chapter of the book, which I wrote about in an earlier post on here), I was crying so hard that I almost choked. I HAD to hold Seth, look at him, hug him, kiss him, tell him how much I love him. Of course, he didn't understand why I was crying; but he patted my back and then rubbed my arm to say, "It's ok, Mom. I'm here and I love you." He always does that when I'm upset. The movie was MUCH sadder and MUCH more upsetting than the book, probably because I was seeing real people acting out those events. The book has so much more detail, making it easier to "take a break" from the upsetting parts and focus on some details before getting to something else upsetting. Anyway, it was a VERY good movie; but it REALLY got to me and I'm not over it yet.

On a happier note, though, I ordered the beads for the lamp shade I'm going to make when I finish re-organizing the house :-)

And another good thought -- I have what I hope is a complete list of grocery items and cleaning activities for this weekend. Those are two of my least favorite topics; but if I have to do them, at least I have a good list to keep me on track :-)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even KNOW it was a movie, too!! I'll have to look it up on Netflix :-)r


The Hofacker Family 2008