Sunday, February 1, 2009


ATTENTION, ALL OCD-TYPE PEOPLE: When was the last time you pulled out your oven to clean? I am apparently not a very good ocd person because I had NEVER pulled my oven out to clean the entire four and a half years that we've lived here. "YUCK" doesn't even begin to express what I found there! But it's pretty much clean now. So why did I decide that TODAY was the day to tackle this project (ha ha -- pun on today being super bowl Sunday)? Last night, I broke my snowman night light which is plugged in right next to the oven. Three pieces broke off the poor guy -- his carrot nose, his broom top, and his hat brim. The first two parts were on the counter, so I super glued them back on; but I couldn't find the hat brim. I looked all around, but figured it had to have fallen behind the stove. With all the gunk back there, the only way to know for sure was to pull it out and clean. It wasn't there, but I was still glad to have finally done this nasty job. So where was the stupid hat brim? In my utensil jar (which I did look in last night, but obviously not well enough) :-) Jason was a little annoyed about that since he was the one who had to pull the oven out instead of relaxing in front of the tv, but he didn't complain because he knows that I really wanted to clean back there anyway.

This might be a good place to add #26 to my "random facts about me" list: I HATE SPORTS! Please don't look down on me for that just as I don't look down on all you sports fanatics :-) I don't think anything about other people loving sports as long as it doesn't interfere with what's really important in life like God, family, other people's self-esteem (I don't tolerate people making fun of their kids or yelling at their kids for messing up in sports or for not wanting to be involved in sports), a good Christian testimony, common decency/compassion . . . I'm sure my dislike of sports is caused by my COMPLETE inability to excel at ANY type of athletic activity. The only sport I'm even semi-good at is badminton, and I'm really only as good as most nine-year-olds -- I'm sure Joel will be winning our family tournaments this summer since he is now ten, one year past my skill level. Anyway, this piece of personal info was on my mind since most people are so wrapped up in watching football today.


  1. Great. We've been in our house 4 1/2 years, too, and I've never pulled my oven out. And I'm 100% sure the lady who lived here before us never cleaned back there, either. I guess I have a project for Tyler's next days off!

  2. I went to investigate our oven situation. No wonder I've never taken it out to clean behind it - IT'S A BUILT IN. I made myself laugh so hard for forgetting that little fact . . . . . .


The Hofacker Family 2008