Nothing exciting is happening today, so I just have these two funny pictures. Seth's hair is REALLY long. I did finally make an appointment for him to get a trim this week (pictures of that event to be released by midnight Friday night). Luke wanted his picture taken in the bath just like Seth, but got soap in eyes. Plus, I buzzed his hair off a few weeks ago, so there wouldn't be the halo of "seaweed" all around him (final decision on the haircutting issue: pay someone else to do it from now on!).
Seth did pretty well in speech therapy yesterday (he's learning to point with his pointer finger at whatever he's asked to point to and to recognize colors) and occupational therapy today (he's learning to eat with a spoon, twist a lid off a plastic jar, and color). He's so cute, I just love taking him everywhere to share his cuteness with everyone around. He's the kind of little person who makes even the grumpiest day a little brighter :-)
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