Wednesday, January 20, 2010

it's Wednesday again!

Seth woke up WAY too early today! Wednesdays are late nights, and I wish he had slept in this morning or fallen asleep for a little bit this afternoon. But he didn't. He's going to be TIRED!

I "branched out" from my "usual" at City Diner today and caused a problem :-( "Our" waitress remembered to ask me "no bread?" but I forgot to say "and no onion rings." So the burger came out with onion rings on top -- and OH DID THEY LOOK DELICIOUS! But she had to pick them off and then ask the cook to put new cheese on top and melt it because the other cheese had onion ring crumbs in it and had to be thrown out. I was SO embarrassed! They didn't seem to mind at all, though. They're SO nice there!!!! And then we got bad news -- one of our friends who works there is moving from day shift to night shift :-( Well, maybe that should be a smiley face because now we'll HAVE to go at night sometimes, too, so that we can see her :-) I REALLY need to find a way to make some money so we can eat there more often!


today's song: "Still Breathing" by Sarah Kelly
It's never too late
While we're still breathing.


today's verses are from church tonight (I go to deaf church on Wednesday nights, so I don't understand much of what the teacher is saying, but I DO understand the Scripture passages that he writes on the whiteboard.)

I Peter 1:22 ". . . love each other deeply -- with all your heart."
Romans 12:9-10 "Your love must be real . . ."
Romans 12:14-16 "Wish only good for those who treat you badly. Ask God to bless them, not curse them . . . Live together in peace . . ."

Those verses seem impossible to obey. Surely these things can only be accomplished through the Holy Spirit changing my heart.

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