Tuesday, January 5, 2010

another winter day

It's dark and cold, so what I really want to do all day every day is sleep. So I feel REALLY good about myself when I do anything at all -- like today with all the laundry, dishes, baking banana muffins for breakfast (although that made Jason and the kids leave for school a little late), bathroom cleaning, library runs, and class :-)

Luke's homework again today was to read for ten minutes. I had him read a couple Blue's Clues books to Seth. Sometimes Seth isn't a very good listener :-)

But they're both OH SO CUTE!!


today's song: "In the Light" by dc Talk


today's verse: Joshua 6:16 & 18
" . . . SHOUT, for the Lord has give you the city! . . . by all means abstain from the accursed things lest you become accursed when you take of the accursed things and make of Israel a curse and trouble it." (talking about the Israelites going into the promised land, but a good reminder to me that God gives victories when I follow His instructions, no matter how strange they seem -- and also a good reminder to stay focused on "good and right," even when "accursed" looks like a good idea at the time)

1 comment:

  1. They are SO cute reading on the couch together!!! My 7 year old niece is reading now, and she reads her Beginner Books to her 3 year old brother...it is PRECIOUS.
    You have such adorable kids!!


The Hofacker Family 2008