Now to undo the negatives from yesterday with the positive outcomes:
1. The cake turned out to be really yummy. The frosting and sitting overnight must have worked a tasty miracle :-)
2. There was no such miracle performed on the doughnuts. They were pretty dry and yucky this morning UNLESS I put them in the microwave for a few seconds. Then they were pretty ok (not great, but pretty ok). I didn't take them to my nursery because I couldn't microwave them there, and they're barely even edible without warming. But that worked out for the best, too, because there were hardly any people in my nursery today. My regular co-worker wasn't there; not very many kids were there; and one of the second-hour workers wasn't there. So I'll save that treat for some other day (after I get more flour and on a weekend that I have nothing else to cook).
And now for a FUNNY confession of my COMPLETE air-headedness:
This morning did not go according to schedule, so I was running around trying to get us all out of the house before I was any later to the nursery. We pulled up to the church doors at 9:44 a.m. I'm supposed to be in my nursery, ready to take children at 9:40 a.m. The greeter saw us pull up and was all ready to open the door and shake hands with Seth and me. I opened my door, stuck one foot out to get out of the van and saw that I had on BROWN shoes with my all BLACK outfit! And being the incredibly vain person that I am, I quickly pulled that foot back in the van and begged Jason to run me back home to change shoes! I apologized profusely while all the kids complained about being late. When we got back to the same church doors at 9:54 a.m., the greeter just smiled and asked if I'd had a "senior moment" like he always has :-) Thank goodness we live so close to the church!
This is me laughing at my ditziness (and probably waking Seth up with the flash):
8:40 a.m.?? Where do you go to church? I'm so confused . . . .