I've walked a total of three times now this year :-) The first walk was only 20 minutes, but it was GREAT to be outside! The second one was last night, again only 20 minutes and NOT so great. It was COLD! My face was so cold, it hurt. The sun was bright again today, so I walked in the afternoon while it was somewhere close to "warm." I made dinner early, so Jason fed the kids while I walked. I don't really like that set-up because I like to be with the kids for the few minutes that they're home between school and wrestling practice (Makenzie even went today -- not to wrestle, but to watch or to play with other sisters of wrestlers). Plus there's a mess to clean up when I get back :-( I guess it was worth it, though, because today was a really nice walk :-)
I am such a weather wimp. I feel ashamed. Amber and I decided we were going to start walking together. And we didn't today because it was windy. You heard me right. WINDY! It wasn't even that cold. *sigh*