The biggest reason for their being late, though, was that Makenzie lost one of her sneakers. She had left one of them at her friend's house Saturday, but now we can't find the one that WAS in her backpack two days ago. They did finally get out the door, but their running late for school caused me to be late getting Seth to speech therapy. Joel had left his trumpet at the top of the stairs -- why in the world he didn't pick it up at the same time that he picked up his backpack which was leaning against the trumpet case, I DO NOT KNOW! So I had to drop that off at the school on the way. On the drive out there, I got behind WAY too many STUPID drivers!!! I realize that the roads were a little snowy/slippery. But we REALLY do NOT need to drive 40 mph on the 65 mph HIGHWAY!!!!
By the time we made it to the clinic, I was DONE! I took Seth to his little room where he plays/works with his therapist and asked her if it was ok with her for me to wait in the waiting area today because I NEEDED to recover from this morning! Seth didn't even care (thank God!) -- he did a good job in therapy today without me. I sat on the couch and read a chapter of my book. I readily confess that I often read to escape my own reality, and today was a perfect example of this fact. I felt quite a bit better after that half hour. Another thing that made me feel better was chatting with Seth's OT, Gayle. She had a little "situation" last night and sat down to tell me about it. It always makes me feel so privileged when people share bits of their personal lives with me -- like I'm a good listener and they feel safe and comfortable talking to me. Plus it takes my mind off myself and my problems.
Lunchtime went well, and then I got Seth's picture taken at the school (today was spring picture day for the elementary kids). I think the photographer and another mom there thought that I didn't appreciate Seth very much because I accepted the first shot she took even though he wasn't smiling. He was making a goofy "ooohhhh" face -- I thought it was cute. What they don't realize is that 1. I think Seth is GORGEOUS whether he's making a picture-perfect cheese smile or a goofy silly face and 2. the chances of getting Seth to ever make a picture-perfect cheese smile is pretty much impossible, so why waste time trying?! Proof:
Now on to the literal poop -- Seth has not been doing any #2 lately, so I've been putting Miralax in his applesauce every morning. During his nap, the Miralax did its job (a little too well perhaps). I thought there was just a little leak on the edges of his diaper; but when I put him on the floor to change his diaper, it all leaked out the back onto his back and the carpet. YUCK YUCK SUPER YUCK!!!!! I put Seth in the bathtub while I cleaned up the mess. Add new carpet to the list of things to do when I get a job someday!
OK, so that is a really cute picture of Seth!
ReplyDeleteSandor had one of those experiences with Rubens poop... BUT he didn't clean it up the right way (actually not cleaning it at all, just sprayed the carpet cleaner on top of it and left it there. I wasn't home) So here I'm thinking that my rug was ruined and EVERY time I looked at it, I would get disappointed all over again.
Well a week later, Ruben spit up right by the poop stain, I cleaned the spot up with a wipe and decided to use the wipe on the stain, and JUST LIKE THAT the poop was gone! With a baby wipe!!
I then explained to Sandor how to properly use the carpet cleaner...