I have to leave in about a half-hour to take Seth to the audiologist, so I shouldn't be typing on here. But I HAVE to get this nightmare out of my head -- journals/blogs are therapeutic that way, aren't they? I take the thoughts out of my head, put them on this screen, and they don't bother me so much anymore.
This morning I had a NIGHTMARE!!!!!! The kind that makes me wake up in a panic and has the potential of ruining my whole day. I dreamed that Seth and I were driving somewhere (it looked like the road that leads to the airport turn-off -- is it Wisconsin? not sure). Anyway, I realized that I needed to stop by someone's house to pick something up, but I had just passed the lane -- a long winding lane that led to their house. Instead of making a circle or even pulling over and backing up to the lane, I decided to just leave the truck (why on Earth were we in the truck in this dream? I never drive the truck) on the side of the road (with Seth in it!) and run up the lane to get whatever it was I was getting. I was a little nervous, but I leave the kids in the van with the doors locked sometimes when I'm just running in and running out of someplace. I walked to the lane, turned around to check on the truck, and SOMEONE WAS DRIVING IT AWAY!!!! WITH SETH STILL IN IT!!!!! I'm almost in a panic right now as I type this and about to cry -- it was JUST A DREAM! I hope I learned my lesson, though -- no matter how much of an inconvenience it is to get one or all the kids out and back in the vehicle, I WON'T be leaving them alone in there again!
I hate having bad dreams! Pregnancy brings lots of crazy dreams!