Six years ago this morning, Jason took me to Providence Hospital because I was NOT in labor. Poor little Luke must've somehow known how difficult the beginning of his life was going to be and decided to stay inside where it was warm and safe, although a bit small. Being "induced" was a horrible experience in my opinion. Natural childbirth in any form, though, is a horrible experience in my opinion. I much prefer Seth's version of being born -- let the doctors do all the work! Within 24 hours of being born, Luke was circumcised, given I don't even know how many vaccines, and casted because he was born with bilateral clubfeet. Luke has been through A LOT physically -- he's a pretty tough little guy!
Six years ago today, I got to meet an amazing little person for the very first time. Luke amazes me every day with his humor, intelligence, and cuteness. God blessed me most definitely more than I deserve when He gave me this beautiful child.
Luke's sixth birthday started off with hugs from his big brother and sister.

Luke picked "tiny waffles" for his birthday breakfast.

I let him open one of his gifts -- a Sponge Bob basketball.

Luke had to go to school, of course, although he wasn't there long. He had lunch at 10:30 a.m. --

stood on the table so that the entire cafeteria could sing "happy birthday" to him --

then went to Build-a-Bear with his grandmother to get this turtle with a Spiderman suit. When he got back to school from that trip, his class went to recess outside. Jason interrupted playtime to bring Luke to me so that we could drive over to Cheney Lake to take his birthday pictures --

and then go to the Christian bookstore to buy Luke a real Bible and Bible cover.

Luke's gifts were mostly games for all of us to play together -- a children's croquet set, a skillball game, a fishing toy to play in the backyard little plastic pools, and this dartboard from Grammy and Poppy. We all got a chance to play this one tonight, even though doing that made us miss bedtime :-)

Luke had many menu choices to make for his birthday -- school lunch treat to share with his class, birthday dinner, birthday dessert, birthday party meal, and birthday party dessert. It took QUITE a long time to get that many decisions out of this somewhat scatter-brained child.

Luke had to try on his Batman costume that Makenzie gave him, and Joel joined in the fun by being the bad guy for mini-Batman to fight. FUNNY FUNNY kids!
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