Tonight I made tator tot casserole for dinner. Seth and I do NOT like vegetables -- except peas and green beans, the two foods to which Seth is ALLERGIC! So I got "creative" and put lots of spinach in the meat of the tator tot casserole. The other four love spinach all by itself, so they didn't care one way or the other about that green stuff in the meat. Seth and I didn't mind it, either -- and yay for us, we got our green vegetable with dinner :-)
Thumbs up for spinach-filled tator tot casserole :-)

Luke's face cracked me up -- had to zoom in on it.

Seth was a little behind with giving the thumbs up, but he finally did :-)

Joel got a little crazy with this picture-taking activity. He decided to put food all over his face and give a double thumbs up -- silly kiddo.

After the boys left for wrestling practice, I decided to go ahead and cut Seth's hair. I did NOT
want to do this, but I was noticing that his long hair was going to be a little inconvenient with our normal summertime activity of swimming in our backyard baby pools (I just bought two more from Fred Meyer so that we each have one -- no fighting over having enough room). Also, Seth and I are flying to Illinois next week. Although I LOVE his long hair and he has gotten many compliments on his gorgeous hair, I'm not sure my family and relatives would really agree with my affection for "hippie styles." Plus, it is more difficult to take care of longer hair. So I cut it :-(

The giant pile of hair that used to be on Seth's gorgeous head:

After: (saying "moose")

Saying "cheese":

Saying "cheese" with a monster attitude:

Now excuse me while I go shed a few tears over my baby's beautiful hair that is now in the trash can.
(Just kidding -- I know it'll grow back after summer swimming is over.)
He looks adorable! The first time I cut Austin's hair like that my husband bluntly told me, "He looks like a concentration camp survivor." Does SO much for the Mommy ego. And I was sad to see his hair go, too. He wore it like that voluntarily for YEARS! Not anymore :-)