This past weekend, my dryer decided that it had dried enough Hofacker clothes. I got on Craig's list and found a matching washer and dryer (haven't had "matching" for a year or two since the set that came with the house wore out) for only $150. Jason had to take the truck to Eagle River, up a muddy driveway out in the country, to pick them up. The lady was really nice -- she gave Jason and the Charter boys (whom Jason had recruited to help him) some oatmeal cookies (this little fact makes me smile to see that there are some good people in this messed up world). While Jason was trying to get the dryer down to our laundry room, the hand cart slipped and the dryer slid down the stairs and down Jason's leg. He's ok, but couldn't go running the next morning. Our previous dryers were gas and the new one was electric, so Jason had to go looking for the correct parts to make the new one work correctly. Now everything's hooked up and working great :-) This will, I'm sure, be a post that I repeat in part or in whole in approximately one year. Those machines really were not created to work as much as they're expected to work in this house.
I'm glad Jason's okay. That could have been really, really ugly!