After our visit, we went to church in Camp Point -- the church I grew up in. Seth walked in the door and immediately found the nursery as if he'd been there before -- weird! He had fun playing in the nursery with my friend Lisa's nephew and sister and another lady that I've "always" known from church :-) It was really nice to hug and talk to some of my church family from my childhood!
On our way back to Quincy, we stopped by my Aunt Irene's to give her one more hug. My cousin Mary is visiting here from Arizona, but we didn't get to see her because she was out mushroom hunting. (Oh, the memories of yummy fried mushrooms!!! Huge treats for us every spring/summer). We then went to John and Jenny's to say good-bye, and then got home at about 9:00 p.m. to eat some dinner and get this posted before my kids get home from church tonight :-)
So this is our last night in Illinois, which makes me pretty sad -- good-byes or "see ya later's" are never happy things :-( But I'm VERY excited to get back to Anchorage and hug and kiss my own kiddos and tuck them into bed for myself :-) I'm so glad for the internet and phones!
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