Today's been CRAZY busy!!! Mornings are crazy every school day, but this morning was a little more crazy because Seth woke up before the other three even came up to breakfast. Usually he sleeps until they leave for school, which is MUCH more convenient. It was fun for him to have breakfast with the family for once, though.
After all of the morning routine, we went to H2Oasis (water park) with Aunt Amanda, Gavin, and Makayla. Gavin's liking it there more every time we go, and Seth LOVES playing in the water. Today there was even another mom and toddler from church, which was nice since I'm supposed to be making this a monthly moms/toddlers church get-together. I haven't done a good job of advertising this event, so it's usually just the Hofackers and Nelsons. We have fun, though!
When we got home from swimming, I had about 45 minutes to get Seth and me both bathed, dressed, and fed before getting to my ASL class. WE MADE IT! I can hardly believe it. I wasn't even late! And we were both chlorine-free and pretty normal looking.
Joel didn't have wrestling practice today, so I got to have all four of my angels after school. After homework and dinner preparations, Joel and I played a few hands of cards. I was beating his socks off in our little ongoing tournament. He didn't like that too much, but he has gotten SO much better about being a good sport (at least when he's playing with just me).
We had fun food again (pizza rolls and nachos) with a movie for dinner. Then each child got to pick a game for all of us to play together. That never has quite worked out well for us yet. I'm hoping that someday we'll be able to actually enjoy family fun night instead of having to rename it family fight night.
Now Seth is in bed because he climbed up on my lap and said and signed "sleep."

Joel is eating popcorn while watching "Night at the Museum 2" . . .

with Luke . . .

and Makenzie (and Jason in a sleeping bag on the floor in front of Makenzie).

This is a three-day weekend, so we should have lots more family fun to share each night :-)
today's song: "
Carry You" by Amy Grant
Lay down your burden, I will carry you
I will carry you, My child
I can walk on water and calm a restless sea
I've done a thousand things you've never done
I'm weary watchin' while you struggle on your own
Call My name, I'll come
Lay down your burden, I will carry you
I will carry you, My child
I give vision to the blind; I can raise the dead
I've seen the darker side of Hell and I returned
I see those sleepless nights and I count every tear you cry
I know some lessons hurt to learn
Lay down your burden, I will carry you
I will carry you, My child
today's verse: Ephesians 4:29
NewKingJamesVersion -- "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearer."
EasytoReadVersion -- "When you talk, don't say any bad things. But say things that people need -- things that will help other people become stronger. Then the things you say will help the people who listen to you."
(I know I put that same verse up yesterday, but I did not succeed at ALL in obeying it tonight when my kids were being rotten to each other, so I needed the reminder.)