Gotta love Fridays -- McDonalds Happy Meals and library movie night, no "hurry up and get to bed so you can get up early for school" night. I actually picked out movies the kids LIKED this time. They ate every bite of their food and were QUIETLY watching the movies. That's always a nice surprise.
Seth is SUCH a good little guy. He didn't sleep well last night, but still had to wake up pretty early to get Joel, Makenzie, and Luke to school (I drove them since Jason was in Bethel) and then go to his ENT appointment (his ears are all clear -- praise God!). Then we ran home just long enough for me to use the restroom and switch the laundry before going to the school for Luke's lunch and for work. Seth wouldn't take a nap, so we went to the library (I think I left my card there, though). So this was a pretty busy day, but now it's over -- time to read a little and go to sleep, looking forward to coffee for me and doughnuts for the kids in the morning :-)
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