Today, I'm thankful for my children. I'm thankful for them every day, but especially on days like today. Sometimes life is just a little too much to handle, and (being an emotional person) I generally end up crying -- today kneeling down between my van and someone else's truck in the parking lot of the library, but usually in less conspicuous places. Seth is only three, but he's a REAL charmer. The adorable little guy reached up from his stroller to give me a hug. No matter how overwhelming difficult parts of life can be, children are still children and need someone to take care of them. That's quite a stabilizer for a crybaby like me. They're a reminder that I can't live in the pool of pain, I have to take those library books back, do the laundry, get to the appointment on time (well, almost on time -- I had to stop by Radio Espresso and get an eggnog latte, a necessity today). They give love and hugs and kisses freely and look to me for almost every need and desire that they have. While that's quite a responsibility, I'm SO thankful for it! Some people might call it some kind of inappropriate defense mechanism, but I call it salvation from insanity.
Seth wouldn't let me take his picture -- not a picture of his face, anyway. Luke was a much more willing model. He looked so cute doing his "homework" at the table, chewing on that sucker! This child has amazed me this year. I always knew that Joel was smart and pretty well-behaved. I knew that Makenzie was very well-behaved, but I didn't know how smart she was until she started school. But Luke has been a real shocker! He's relatively well-behaved and VERY smart! I was prepared for average, which would have been absolutely fine with me. I was not prepared for a little genius. I guess it IS only kindergarten, and he mostly just has to color and walk in a straight line, but WHO KNEW that LUKE would be able to ace everything? I'm both impressed and thankful! My kids also impress me with their ability to play cards and board games. Today I played two different card games with Makenzie. She's really pretty good! All three of them are good for their ages. Of course, they're better at some games than they are at others; but it's quite enjoyable most of the time to play games with them :-)
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