Because I don't know how to place the pictures where I want them, I'm making three separate posts right now. This one is the "details of the day" post. I took this picture this morning for Aunt Amanda and Uncle Darryl who both graduated from Gardner Webb University and gave Seth this shirt.
Seth woke up really early this morning, which worked out well because I needed to get some errands done. I MUCH prefer doing errands in the morning before there's too much traffic. I've been putting off going out to the Kirby dealer to get more vacuum bags for about a year now. I've just kept on vacuuming with the old bag until I smell a burning odor. Then I know it's time for a new bag. I'm finally on my last one, and it's FULL! My carpet is filthy, so I had to drive out to Dimond. While I was there, I got an extension for my hose and wand to vacuum the wood and linoleum so that I don't have to bend at the waist every time I vacuum those floors. This will be much easier on my back, I'm guessing. Then I finally got to Wal-mart to pick up the pictures that I ordered weeks ago but kept forgetting to pick up. We made it to the school in perfect time to get all the kids' food and then work at the computer. So, all together, this has been a nice morning. The weather has added to the "niceness" since the sun's out today. Now just a few more hours until we go talk to the allergist about a new plan for Seth's eating.
I love the shirt! Has Jason let him wear his Phillies shirt yet?