I'm so sick of headaches!!!! That's complaining, but they HURT! And it's hard to think clearly and get everything done when my head hurts. I am thankful that they're not so bad that I'm bedridden or nauseated, though. It could always be worse, I guess.
Today was a kindergarten field trip to Arctic Oasis, an indoor play yard. It went very well. Everyone behaved nicely and had fun. I had to take Seth, so I didn't get to give Luke all my attention or help the teachers really at all. But there wasn't much that needed to be done since the kids could run around and play on almost everything. One of the activities was mini golf, and I thought (there's the key word, really) that it would be fun for Luke and me to play together -- by the rules for the most part. Well, that didn't work out so well. We played about seven holes without too much cheating, but then he just went on playing by kindergartener rules. After lunch, he decided he wanted to play mini golf again. "But this time, I think I won't organize it. So I don't want you to play, Mom." I had to laugh -- yes, I'm a play-by-the-rules kind of person when it comes to games. Luke didn't feel like dealing with that again. Riding a bus with a headache isn't the most pleasant experience, but we made it through and had a relatively enjoyable time.
That is so Luke. I could just see him trying to be nice but telling you he didn't want you to play. At least he tried to be nice.