It took me about three years, but I finally finished reading the entire Bible. I'm SO excited about this project! Someone challenged me to start at the beginning and read all the way to the end, looking for God. Who is He? How does He work? What does He love? What does He hate? What is He like? Everything that gave me any information about God, I highlighted with an orange pencil. When I got to the New Testament, I highlighted all of the "Christian directions" in green (as well as continuing with the orange). And what did I learn? I learned that being raised in church was a BLESSING! I knew who God was -- this reading didn't really reveal any new information, but it confirmed what I had learned all along. God is good, righteous, merciful, sovereign; He is light and love; and He is also the Judge. The main thing that I learned in this project was that books of the Bible that I had previously thought "not for me" (such as Leviticus), DO have a lot to say about God. The Old Testament, especially, surprised me with how much foundational information is written between the laws and history. Revelation was another book that surprised me. I always thought that it was just a book of symbolism that we could try to figure out and make guesses about the true meaning, but never really understand completely until it actually happened. WRONG! There is SO much in that book about God! It is a book of prophecy, but all of the "orange" words made me keep reading until I finished all 22 chapters in only two days (my brain usually can only handle a couple chapters at most from the Bible because of the wording and the deep content, plus -- I have to be honest -- it's not a novel, so I have a hard time concentrating). So now I am taking a break from straight reading and getting out some "devotional" books that I've had for awhile. I don't think I can even explain in words what reading God's Word in its entirety -- and especially what reading Revelation yesterday and this morning -- have done for my heart and mind. Jehovah is God, the only true God, the sovereign Judge, the loving Father. Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God and really is alive and interceding for ME and is THE example of righteousness. The Holy Spirit is leading me through this life with all its challenges and blessings. MY NAME is written in the Lamb's book of Life, and I WON'T be cast into the lake of fire. What a GREAT time to get to this -- right at Thanksgiving time. I am THANKFUL that God allowed human beings the privilege of knowing so very much about Him!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
I finished reading
It took me about three years, but I finally finished reading the entire Bible. I'm SO excited about this project! Someone challenged me to start at the beginning and read all the way to the end, looking for God. Who is He? How does He work? What does He love? What does He hate? What is He like? Everything that gave me any information about God, I highlighted with an orange pencil. When I got to the New Testament, I highlighted all of the "Christian directions" in green (as well as continuing with the orange). And what did I learn? I learned that being raised in church was a BLESSING! I knew who God was -- this reading didn't really reveal any new information, but it confirmed what I had learned all along. God is good, righteous, merciful, sovereign; He is light and love; and He is also the Judge. The main thing that I learned in this project was that books of the Bible that I had previously thought "not for me" (such as Leviticus), DO have a lot to say about God. The Old Testament, especially, surprised me with how much foundational information is written between the laws and history. Revelation was another book that surprised me. I always thought that it was just a book of symbolism that we could try to figure out and make guesses about the true meaning, but never really understand completely until it actually happened. WRONG! There is SO much in that book about God! It is a book of prophecy, but all of the "orange" words made me keep reading until I finished all 22 chapters in only two days (my brain usually can only handle a couple chapters at most from the Bible because of the wording and the deep content, plus -- I have to be honest -- it's not a novel, so I have a hard time concentrating). So now I am taking a break from straight reading and getting out some "devotional" books that I've had for awhile. I don't think I can even explain in words what reading God's Word in its entirety -- and especially what reading Revelation yesterday and this morning -- have done for my heart and mind. Jehovah is God, the only true God, the sovereign Judge, the loving Father. Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God and really is alive and interceding for ME and is THE example of righteousness. The Holy Spirit is leading me through this life with all its challenges and blessings. MY NAME is written in the Lamb's book of Life, and I WON'T be cast into the lake of fire. What a GREAT time to get to this -- right at Thanksgiving time. I am THANKFUL that God allowed human beings the privilege of knowing so very much about Him!
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The Hofacker Family 2008
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