Seth woke up at 7 a.m. today, which I should've expected since I put him in bed last night at about 7:15 and he was asleep at 7:16, I think. I didn't even open my eyes until 6:55 a.m. -- odd for me, I usually wake up several times and give up on sleep no later than 6:30. So there was some "I don't know what to do with Seth" time this morning. Jason dressed him and gave him breakfast, but then I had to unload the dishwasher, get my breakfast, and make breakfast for the rest of the kids. Letting Seth run loose isn't an option without close supervision -- he's still in the "terrible twos" stage, looking for opportunities to cause disasters. I'm glad he likes his books! I didn't feel like hearing "signing time" this morning. Last night, I thought my cold was going away. But then when I woke up after seven or eight hours of sleep feeling like I'd slept for maybe an hour with a headache, sore throat, and full sinuses, I realized that this cold isn't finished with me yet. I had told the other nursery volunteer that I would definitely be there this morning, so I got ready and got everyone else ready, worked in the nursery, and then came back home for some good, warm cheese & veggie soup. It's still COOOOOOLLLLLDDDDDD outside! I'm ready to join the bear tradition right about now!
Jason and Amanda filled me on last night's celebration downtown -- it was Alaska's fiftieth year of statehood. I'm glad the kids got to experience that -- THANKS, UNCLE RICH!
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