I have gotten into the habit of spending A LOT of time on the computer, not because I really want or need to be on the computer but because I listen to my mp3 player while I'm on the computer. And, even though I have over 40 other artists on there, I've only been listening to THIRD DAY for weeks! I tried to listen to someone else, but that only lasted for a few songs, then I switched back. I have to be honest, though. I DID find some songs by Third Day that I don't really like. Not many, though.
Sending my kids to public school in this unbelievably liberal place is out of the question, and I'm VERY thankful for Anchorage Christian Schools. I like almost every single aspect of the whole experience for my kids. Two things that irk me, though, are the dress code and the hair code. The dress code isn't a big deal at all since my kids aren't too picky about clothes and people have so generously given us their kids' uniforms when they outgrew them or when they moved out of Alaska. I do wish sometimes that the kids could just wear cute little jeans and t-shirts, but they don't care so neither do I. The hair code is really getting on my nerves, though. I know I should care more about my boys looking different from "the world," but it is SUCH a pain in the neck to cut their hair every two to four weeks! I can get away with not cutting their hair for two months, but no longer than that. If I take them to a salon, I'm spending at least $24 every other month -- that's $120/year on haircuts for boys that hate getting their hair cut (well, I guess that's a pretty dumb thing for me to say -- is there a boy anywhere that likes getting a hair cut?). They didn't complain the one time I took them to my hairdresser, so I think I'm just going to count that $120 as a dividend expense -- I'm SO thankful for those dividends! Then there's also Seth, Makenzie and I who need haircuts now and then. Makenzie and I only need to go twice a year -- but mine are more expensive since I get a perm, too. Anyway, this one little irritation is so trivial that it has no bearing at all on my gratitude for this school and everyone who works there. The pictures of Joel and Luke today are to show their haircuts -- Luke's teacher told me that we were going to get a "get your boy's hair cut now please" letter in the mail soon, so I broke out the buzzer despite the whining I heard from all three of us. And, yes, Luke really is asleep in that picture. He falls asleep in approximately five minutes every night, I think.
Seth is such a hoot! He refuses to keep his clothes on unless he is just incapable of removing them. I have to keep his hiking boots on all day because he can't get those off (YET!). If he can't get his shoes off, he can't get his socks or jeans off. That just leaves the shirt open for removal. And that's not such a problem since he still wears a onesie. So the picture of Seth is him with his pajamas half off. He can't quite get the legs off because of his brace on his left leg. And back to the hair issue -- I'm so glad that Seth doesn't have to get his hair cut yet. I did call my hairdresser today, though, because Seth's hair is almost getting in his eyes. That might not be wise with the eye surgery coming up. But I'm really liking his hippie hairdo (as Jason calls it).
So now, the title of today's post -- yesterday I mentioned that I would be starting cleaning out this pigsty, and I REALLY DID START THAT PROJECT! Yay for me!!!! I borrowed Makenzie's cd player to blast Third Day music to motivate me to keep working instead of giving up and hiding in a book. I barely made a dent in the mess, but I worked for over an hour on the laundry room. My guess is that to clean out the entire house, I'll be putting in a total of at least twenty hours of work -- and that's just to de-junk, then I'll be able to clean (vacuum, dust, etc.). Yippee -- so much to look forward to :-(
I am currently listening to Third Day and not cleaning my house. In fact, I'm about to go read.