Seth's eyes
Seth saw his eye doctor today (who, by the way, is a Christian -- YAY -- that's always nice to find out that someone who helps keep my baby healthy knows, loves, and serves the same God!). Seth's eyes are GREAT, he said. They go out a little far right now, but that should shape up soon. Before the surgery, Seth's glasses prescription was 3.5 (I have no idea what that means, but it wasn't too high a number, but high enough to definitely need glasses). Today, his prescription was 0.75. That's not even a high enough number to get glasses!!!! The blood is fading out of the corners of his eyes. Everything seems to be going just perfect for his eyes. Praise God!!! (and Dr. Arnold)
We had spaghetti for dinner tonight (third day in a row since I made a little too much on Sunday -- no one seems to mind, though). Seth had on a white shirt today, so he decided (and I completely agreed) to eat with no shirt on. Seth realized that he could tickle his skin :-)
I couldn't quite get the "grouchy" face that goes with the arm-crossing, which is really too bad because it's HILARIOUS!
And this is Seth giving us a thumbs-up. He always does that whole-heartedly :-)
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