Yep -- I did another hour of cleaning up today! I really didn't feel like it, and it showed in the amount of work I got done -- very little. All I did was re-organize the boys' outgrown clothes in the laundry room. But I did find quite a few things that Seth could be wearing that have been sitting on the floor down there. He's already in a size 4 shirt! Still size 3 pants, though. I wonder if he'll always be oddly sized. I'll find out some time tomorrow what time Seth's surgery is on Thursday. I'm hoping for somewhere between 8 and 10 a.m., but we don't have a choice, of course. My hairdresser called today and said she really wants to help us out, so she's squeezing Seth in tomorrow! What a great lady :-) I'll try to get pictures of the adventure tomorrow. I hate the day before a big "thing." There's so much anxiety over the next day plus all the preparations. I pretty much have to do two days' work all in one day. And the sad thing is that I'll get it all done without much of a problem -- what does that say about how I spend my time on normal days?!
I STILL have this cold! It is getting better, though -- VERY slowly.
Joel called from his friend's cell phone today after wrestling practice. Let me stop right there for a couple comments -- first, I know I'm going to be one of the ONLY lame, old-fashioned mothers who doesn't get cell phones for her kids. What in the world does a nine-year-old kid need with a cell phone? I guess it's safer for them to have them (if they remember to turn them on, keep them charged, keep them with them, and answer them when I call). But I'm still thinking they're unnecessary. The only reason that I have one is that I got the phone for free and only pay $5/month for 1200 minutes and I can call anywhere in Alaska at no extra charge. Anyway -- my kids will just have to ask their friends to use their cell phones if they need to call when they're out. Secondly, Joel is going to JUNIOR HIGH wrestling practice!!!! He's going to be TEN in less than two weeks! (and that reminds me -- I need to get his party put together!) Anyway -- back to the original point here: Joel called to ask if he could stay at the school for the basketball game this evening. He's only in the FOURTH GRADE and he's REALLY developing a "social life!" I'm glad -- that IS the normal thing for him to be doing. But it's weird, too! He seems like a little kid still to me, even though he's not really little anymore.
ok -- way too much thinking going on in this tired brain. Time for more Third Day videos on youtube :-)
Darryl and I have this conversation all the time. We think we are going to be the only parents who won't let our elementary school kids have a cell phone. It's just not necessary. By the time Gavin is there everyone really will have one!