Thursday, January 8, 2009


Today, I started teaching Seth to say, "Mom -- LET'S ROCK!" He knows what happens when I stand by the cd player, so he was getting all excited and tried really hard to imitate what I was saying. It came out, "Mom -- ock!" Good enough :-) I turned on the cd, and he started dancing. Later in the afternoon, he had shut himself in his room with Makenzie. When I opened the door, he heard the Third Day cd, hurried to the kitchen, and started dancing. Then at the end of dinner, he only had two more bites when I turned on the cd player. He was almost frantic trying to get out of his high chair, saying and signing "out!" I had to shut off the cd so that he'd eat his last two bites. I got him out of the chair, turned the cd back on, and he did a little hip-shaking-head bouncing dance. HILARIOUS! I need video cameras running all the time to catch this stuff!

THANK YOU "Powers Family in Alaska" for volunteering to share your Third Day collection!!! I can't wait to hear them :-) and you're, of course, welcome to any of mine that you don't have :-)

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The Hofacker Family 2008